Monday, June 22, 2015

Stef's Super-Dramatic Teenage Poetry Corner - Episode 1

I used to write poetry all the time, to the exclusion of all else. I occasionally like to share some of it, sometimes because I'm proud of it, or because it's funny or sad, or just so that I don't lose it as I go through life and gradually misplace papers. So here's one from 17 year-old Stef:

 The Dryad Speaks  (1997)

Autumn at last,
And painfully so.
There is no way to pretend August anymore.
 Summer's vintage has ceased
To flow through the oak leaves -
Already they calculate their deaths,
Adorning themselves in crimson and gold
For the grand funerals
Of November.

Old - I am old,
Yet I cower 
As a dwarfed tree in the shadows,
Afraid to count my rings.

I remember days
When every green was an emerald - 
But you hang in my heart
Like a spider,
Snaring spindly-legged, frantic dreams,
Draining them of life.

When will the screaming saws
Spill my amber blood,
To make room
For a child's garden?

After awhile,
We cannot help but notice
The change in the light.

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